9 Best Tips To Give Your Old Garage A Modern Makeover

A garage is essential in protecting your car from adverse weather conditions that may destroy its longevity and appearance. On the other hand, piles of old machinery or other materials that are obsolete and no longer used remove the elegance of your garage.

To give your garage a new lease of life, you may need to reorganize it and work on worn-out areas to revamp the space. You may also make your garage space livable to accommodate social activities like indoor sports, movie nights, or a gym. To help you out, this article outlines several hacks that can help you give your old garage a modern makeover.

1. Install New Flooring

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Source: completegaragesolutions.com

If your floor is full of cracks or holes, you may consider putting a new floor that also helps give the garage a welcome makeover. If your budget isn’t much, you can go for cheaper options. There are several floor options you can consider, such as interlocking tiles, roll-out vinyl, epoxy, peel-and-stick tiles, paint, carpet, concrete sealer, and concrete stain. Therefore, depending on your taste and preference, you’re sure to choose a garage flooring design that appeals to you. Many individuals prefer the epoxy flooring in their garages. Just be sure that you work with experts such as those from termishine.com.au or your local epoxy contractor.

2. Make It An Entertainment Lounge

If your dining room is too small to accommodate many people, you can make some space in your garage by transforming it into an exquisite entertainment lounge. You can achieve this by bringing your dream table into the garage. Moreover, consider placing a fridge in the corner and stock it with beverages that you can serve your friends and guests. If you have one, a popcorn machine will be a wonderful addition to your new entertainment lounge—perfect for a late-night snack.

3. Turn It Into An Arts And Crafts Workshop

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Source: blog.folksy.com

If you’re someone who loves reupholstering furniture, painting, producing music, or woodworking, you can practice your hobby in the unused space in your garage. You won’t need to invest much as you’ll just be transferring your workstation into the garage, making it a welcoming space.

To start, bring in your work table, shelves, and other storages to keep the space well-organized. This kind of workshop usually works best with a floor of vinyl tiles that are easy to clean. You may also install spotlights to ensure proper lighting in your working area. Moreover, adding more windows is a good idea to bring in natural light. After all, natural light can improve your mood and improve productivity, thus helping you complete your project.

4. Install Security Cameras

To make sure your car is secure when it’s in the garage, you may consider installing cameras that will help you monitor the activities in this area. You can also install one camera by the door so you can see who’s approaching the garage. Moreover, you can network your cameras to access them from your smartphone. In case you detect intruders in your property while you’re away, you can lock the garage door if it’s accessible remotely.

5. Upgrade The Garage Door

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Source: niceforyou.com

If you want to improve the appeal of your garage, upgrading the door can significantly boost its appearance. You can fill the gaping spaces on the door or give it a new coat of paint. You may also replace your aluminum door with a wooden one that looks more polished.

6. Install Access Through A Remote Control

Using a remote control to open or close the door of your garage is a great idea. This way, if you arrive home exhausted, you’ll no longer need to get out of your car to open the door or close it manually after parking your vehicle. Additionally, when you’re leaving the garage, the remote access will help you close the garage door behind you without getting out of your car.

In addition to the use of a remote control, you can transform your garage door into a smart one that you can access remotely through a smartphone app. With this app, you can open or close the door from anywhere.

7. Fit In A Cooling And Mini-Split System

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Source: theaveragecraftsman.com

If you intend to hold social activities in your garage such as parties, workouts, games, among others, you may need to prepare for changes in the weather during summer and winter. Thus, a mini-split system will come in handy for cooling the garage during summer and heating it in winter. Besides heating and cooling, mini-split systems can be used to dehumidify your garage and get rid of dampness.

8. Add Storage Cabinets

Cabinets are ideal storage solutions for keeping your garage tidy. You can declutter the floor by storing items such as compressors, car oils, and car tool kits, and many others locked up in the cabinets. If you have children in your home, you’d want to keep poisonous chemicals out of their reach. Therefore, storing them in garage cabinets under a lock is a good option for you.

You can enhance the makeover of your garage with custom cabinet systems instead of off-the-shelf cabinets. Of course, this will involve greater costs to hire a professional to do the job for you. However, it will be worth the investment as they’ll precisely fit into your garage and look more beautiful. Moreover, be sure to only use quality materials to improve the functionality and increase the lifespan of your custom cabinets.

9. Add More Parking Space With A Car Lift

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Source: jungleecamp.com

If you have a limited parking space for all your cars, building a bigger one or renting some space off-site might be too expensive. A quick fix for you would be buying a car lift to park two or more cars in the usual space for one car, thus expanding the parking area.

In addition to parking your cars, you can use a car lift to store jet skis, boats, snowmobiles, and other seasonal items. Moreover, if you have a type of car that you only use at particular times, maybe during the warm seasons, a car lift might be a good option.

Besides the above uses, a car lift may also be helpful if you want to do some mechanical works on the underside of your vehicle.

Wrapping Up

A little creativity will go a long way in transforming your old garage and giving it a modern makeover. Remember, a well-made makeover can make your garage a wonderful space where you can hold social events. Moreover, you can use it for recreation such as a gym or a playing area for your children. You may also consider converting some space in your garage into a working area for your hobbies. Finally, give your garage a modern makeover by boosting its security using security cameras.

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