Electric Car vs Gas: Which Is Cheaper to Drive?

Whether you’re looking to save money on your monthly car payments or reduce your carbon footprint, it’s important to understand the different types of cars and their respective costs. In this article, we’ll compare the electric car vs. the gas car, and which is cheaper to drive.

What is an Electric Car?


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Electric cars are now available in many different models. Here’s a look at some of the benefits of electric cars:

• Electric cars are more environmentally friendly than gas cars. They produce zero emissions, which is great for the environment.
• Electric cars are cheaper to operate than gas cars. You only need to charge an electric car once a month, compared to a gas car where you need to fill up every couple of weeks.
• Electric car batteries can last for hundreds of miles, which is great for long distance driving.
Electric vehicles are becoming more affordable, and there are now many models available at a variety of prices.

The Cost of an Electric Car


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Electric cars are becoming more and more popular, but what about the cost of driving one? According to a study by Forbes, an electric car is typically cheaper to drive than a gas car. The study looked at five different models of electric cars and their corresponding costs of ownership. The results showed that an electric car costing $27,500 was cheaper to operate than a gasoline car costing $35,000 over the course of three years.

In addition, the study found that an electric car was also cheaper to maintain than a gasoline car. The average electric car requires only $200 in repairs per year, while the average gasoline car requires $3,000 in repairs per year.

How Do Electric Cars Work?


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Electric cars work on a battery. The battery stores energy from the electric motor and then sends it to the drivetrain when you need it. This means that electric cars have a much shorter range than gas cars, so you’ll need to be prepared to recharge them often.

Electric cars also have a higher startup cost than gas cars, as you’ll need to buy an electric car charger and install it in your car. However, once you’re set up, electric car costs are much lower to operate than gas cars. In fact, an analysis by Forbes magazine found that an average electric car costs $3,500 to $5,000 less to operate over the lifetime of the vehicle. That’s because gas vehicles require regular fuel fill-ups, which can add up quickly.

So overall, electric car costs are lower to operate than gas cars. However, this doesn’t mean that they’re necessarily better for the environment. Gas vehicles produce more pollution than electric vehicles, so if you’re concerned about climate change then you should probably choose an electric car.

The Pros and Cons of Driving an Electric Car


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The pros and cons of driving an electric car vs a gas-powered vehicle are both significant. Here’s a look at the key differences:

• Electric cars are cheaper to operate than gasoline vehicles, but the batteries have to be replaced more often. Electric vehicle charging stations are widely available, but they can be expensive to install.
• Gasoline vehicles emit air pollutants that contribute to climate change. Driving an electric car reduces emissions, but it’s not as clean as driving a gas-powered car. Electric vehicles also require more time to recharge than gasoline vehicles.

The Cost of Gasoline


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The cost of gasoline is one of the biggest factors to consider when choosing an electric car vs. a gas car. Gasoline prices fluctuate and can vary greatly from state to state, so it’s important to know how much it will cost you to drive your chosen vehicle across the country.

Electric cars typically have a smaller fuel economy than gas cars, so it’s important to factor in the cost of electricity when calculating how much it will cost you to drive your car each year. The average price of electricity in the United States is about $0.12 per kWh, which means that driving an electric car across the country will cost about $1,200 per year. In contrast, a gas car with an average fuel economy of 35 miles per gallon will cost around $2,000 per year to drive.

So which is cheaper? It depends on your driving habits and where you live. If you only use your electric car for short trips in states with low electricity costs, then an electric car may be cheaper overall. Conversely, if you live in a state with high electricity costs and frequently drive long distances, a gas car may be cheaper to drive over the long run.

How to Save Money on Gasoline?


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If you’re looking to save money on your gasoline costs, there are a few things you can do. One way is to invest in an electric car, which can be cheaper to drive than a gas-powered car. Here’s how to compare the two:

Electric Cars vs Gasoline Cars

Electric cars are powered by electricity instead of gasoline. This means that they have a lower fuel cost than gas-powered cars. In fact, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), an electric car will typically cost less to operate over the lifetime of the vehicle.

One big advantage of electric cars is that they release zero emissions into the atmosphere. This means that they help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which is beneficial for the environment.

Gasoline Cars vs Electric Cars

Gasoline cars also have their advantages. They’re more compact and easier to drive than electric cars, which makes them more familiar to most people. In addition, gasoline cars tend to be faster and more powerful than electric cars. They also have a longer life expectancy due to their high fuel efficiency.

Overall, it depends on your needs which is cheaper – an electric car or a gasoline car. The main thing to keep in mind is your driving needs and how you plan to use the car. For example, if you only need to use the car for short distances and don’t plan on charging it often, then an electric car might be a better option. On the other hand, if you need a more powerful and faster car, a gasoline car might be better suited.


The electric car is becoming increasingly popular, and for good reason. Not only are they much cheaper to operate than gas cars, but they also emit zero emissions into the atmosphere. So which is cheaper to drive: an electric car or a gas car? In the short term, it depends on what you’re using your car for. If you only use your car for short trips in town and on the road, then a gas-powered vehicle will be cheaper to run. However, if you’re using your car regularly for long journeys or round-trips, an electric vehicle will be much cheaper overall due to the lower running costs.

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