Most Common Myths About Hybrid Cars: How Do They Really Work?

Ever since the Toyota Prius burst onto the scene around the world in 2000 (after being released in select countries in 1997), it has sold millions of units in the USA alone. It has gone from a very niche car, only driven by a select few, to a car with many different generations and iterations over the years.

Along with the Prius, there are dozens of other hybrid vehicles that have been released and sold well in recent years, all over the world. People like hybrids because they use less fuel and are generally better for the environment.

However, because these vehicles are still relatively new in comparison to traditional cars, there are a lot of myths about hybrid vehicles and how they work. While some of these are harmless, some may turn you off of these cars, so it is important to know what’s real. Read on to learn the truth behind some of the biggest myths about hybrid cars.

Repairing Hybrids is Much More Difficult

One myth that is commonly spoken about in regards to hybrids is that they are far more difficult and expensive to repair. But this is not the case. In most instances, a hybrid can be taken to any mechanic that you trust to be worked on like any normal car. This car works quite similar to a standard car, except with the addition of a battery and electric motor.

Of course, for exterior issues like glass or body issues, any quality body shop or mechanic will do. For example, if you have a broken windshield, you should be able to visit any of the companies as shown on website to make the repairs and be confident you are getting a quality fix.

Now, if you have an issue with the electric motor or battery of the vehicle specifically, you may want to take a little more time when it comes to choosing a mechanic. You still don’t need to go to a specific place, but should generally choose to work with a company that has experience in these types of electronic systems and has a good reputation. If not, the repairs could take longer or potentially be done incorrectly.

They Need to Be Plugged in To Work

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Another myth is how hybrid vehicles work. Many people are under the impression that hybrids need to be plugged into an outlet to charge up their battery and work effectively. While there are plug-in hybrids, not all hybrids need to be plugged in to be able to drive.

Many traditional hybrids will work similarly to a regular car. You will drive them like normal, and fill them up with fuel when need be. These hybrids charge their internal battery either through regenerative braking, or thanks to the power generated from the engine. The car itself decides when to use the engine or the electric motor, or take power from both.

So you can rest assured that as long as your car has gas in the tank, it will be able to drive and keep the electric motor and battery charged-up if you need it.

They Aren’t Built To Last

This myth has to do with people questioning the reliability and longevity of hybrid vehicles. Many believe they simply aren’t built as well as traditional vehicles are. However, it is not based on facts, the opposite might be true. Because the gas engine of the car isn’t doing all the work, it may receive less wear and tear than a traditional vehicle engine.

Of course, anything can happen, but hybrids are no more prone to failure than any other vehicle, as they are designed similarly, except for the battery and the existence of the electric motor. As a result, they should last you about as long in most cases, if not longer.

Also, while hybrids are newer than other cars, this doesn’t mean they are untested. They have been mass-produced for multiple decades now, and innovation has been constant in the space. As a result, they have been extensively tested and have proven to be reliable.

Also, replacement parts are becoming more affordable so even if repairs are needed, it is not a major cause for concern. If treated and driven well, these vehicles should surely last a satisfactory amount of time, and not die years before a traditional vehicle would.

Hybrids Are Too Expensive

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Another myth that has been popular since hybrid cars have been on the market is that they are too expensive. Many are under the impression that these cars have heavily inflated prices when compared to normal cars. While they might have been quite expensive when they first released, this is no longer the case.

Because of improvements to the technology, and more demand, the prices of hybrids have become much more affordable recently. Most are comparable to their standard vehicle counterparts. Of course, there are expensive options out there for those who want it, but also budget-friendly options. Hybrids are no longer a niche option, so there are different choices for different drivers.

In addition to the price of the vehicle, you will have to fuel up much less frequently with hybrid vehicles, thus making it even less expensive to own and operate. In some areas, there may even be rebates you can take advantage of for driving a car that is more efficient and environmentally friendly.

They Are More Challenging to Operate and Drive

Some people have the fear that driving a hybrid vehicle is more difficult than driving a traditional car. Because of the fact, it has a standard gas engine, and an electric motor, many potential owners think switching between using the two requires some complicated maneuvers. But this isn’t the case at all, and it is quite simple.

The truth is, driving a hybrid car is the same as driving a traditional vehicle. There is no difference, as the car itself will decide whether to use the gas engine or electric motor, without any required input from you.

If you can drive a normal car with ease, then you shouldn’t worry about whether or not you will be able to drive a hybrid.

The Batteries Will Need Replacing Frequently

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Another myth that has been making the rounds is that the batteries that are located inside of the hybrid will need to be replaced frequently. While problems can materialize that may shorten their lifespan, these batteries have been designed to last many years, and some to even last as long as the hybrid vehicle itself.

So these batteries should not be required to be replaced or changed any more frequently than the batteries or other components of a standard car. Even if they do need to be replaced relatively quickly for one reason or another, many manufacturer warranties will cover the battery life for many years, sometimes up to as many as 10.

Of course, if you live in an environment that is incredibly cold most of the year, you may see more wear and tear on the battery. However, this isn’t exclusive to hybrid cars and all vehicle batteries and other electronic components may struggle similarly in the cold weather.

In conclusion, we hope that this article has been able to help you learn the truth behind some of the most common myths about hybrid cars. Don’t let these myths keep you away from buying and driving a hybrid if that is what you want. Of course, always do an adequate amount of research before deciding which vehicle to buy, such as looking at pricing, features, and first-hand reviews.

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